MaV203 Competent Yeast Cells, Library Scale (Invitrogen™)

MaV203 Competent Yeast Cells are designed for use with the ProQuest™ Two-Hybrid System (Figure 1). S. cerevisiae strain MaV203 contains deletions in the endogenous GAL4 and GAL80 genes for use with GAL4-based two-hybrid systems. The strain also has leu2 and trp1 mutations for selection of ProQuest™ bait and prey vectors. MaV203 contains three GAL4 inducible reporter genes, providing four phenotypes, for easier identification of true interactors (Figure 2). The MaV203 competent cells feature:

• Transformation (250 μl of cells) efficiency yields >1 x 106 colonies
• Control DNA pMAB12 to confirm transformation efficiency and the preparation of selection media
• Pre-qualified PEG/Lithium Acetate to maximize number of trans-formants
• Competent cells formatted with carrier DNA already included

Order Codes

Code Description
11281011 Catalog Number: 11281011
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