pGAPZα A, B, & C Pichia pastoris Expression Vectors (Invitrogen™)

pGAPZ A, B, & C and pGAPZ A, B, & C are expression vectors designed for high-level, constitutive expression in Pichia pastoris. pGAPZ and pGAPZ were created by replacing the methanol-regulated AOX1 promoter with the constitutive, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP) promoter in the backbone of the pPICZ vectors. Although the yield
of any protein constitutively expressed in the Pichia system is dependent on the toxicity of the protein to yeast, constitutive expression under the control of pGAPZ or pGAPZ vectors can sometimes produce greater yields than inducible expression (1).

Order Codes

Code Description
V20520 Catalog Number: V20520
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