PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

The Arcturus™ PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit is designed to recover high-quality total RNA consistently from fewer than ten cells, even from a single cell. This kit is designed to provide consistent, efficient RNA recovery without sacrificing quality. Small volume elution allows you to maximize your recovery of RNA from small numbers of cells for use with your gene expression analysis.

Key Product Features:

• Greater sensitivity—isolate RNA from even a single cell
• Superior efficiency—maximize RNA recovery from samples
• Streamlined concentration—elute with small volumes
• Flexible application—compatible with many tube sizes
• Integrated contamination prevention—column lids ensure that samples remain RNase free

Isolate RNA from Even a Single Cell
The PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit is engineered to recover high-quality total RNA consistently from fewer than ten cells. The high recovery rate attained using this kit is valuable not only for small samples containing picograms of RNA but also for samples containing up to 100 μg of RNA. Since the RNA elutes in as little as 10 μl of buffer, it is ready for gene expression analysis without any vacuum concentration. This kit is available in two sizes, enough for 40 or 200 isolations.

Get Superior RNA Recovery
Small, valuable samples often cannot be replaced. Performing gene expression studies on these precious samples requires getting maximum RNA recovery. Comparative studies show that, with small, RNA-poor cell or tissue samples, the PicoPure™ Kit dramatically outperforms other commercial total RNA isolation kits in efficiency.

Eliminate Time-consuming RNA Concentration
The simple isolation protocol consists of extracting cellular RNA, then loading the extract onto the specially designed MiraCol™ Purification Column to bind the RNA. After washing away impurities, the RNA elutes in only 10 μl of buffer, ready for use without vacuum concentration or transfer into a new reaction tube.

High Yield Purification Columns
The PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit features unique, high-recovery MiraCol™ Purification Columns, engineered to maximize recovery from microscopic samples. The columns have convenient integrated lids to help ensure that samples remain RNase free. In addition, the Kit comes complete with all necessary buffers, an easy-to-follow User Guide, optimized protocols for handling Laser Capture Microdissected (LCM) samples, and protocols for isolating RNA from larger samples.

Deliver RNA Ready for Amplification and Microarray Analysis
RNA isolated with the PicoPure™ RNA Kit is ready, without vacuum concentration, for amplification with the RiboAmp™ RNA Amplification Kit. The two kits together allow for highly reproducible gene expression results.

Retain Low-abundance mRNA
The PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit preserves mRNA in all abundance classes through the isolation process, minimizing the loss of important genes of interest. Low, medium, and high-abundance genes are consistently recovered and available for expression analysis.

Maintain High RNA Quality
The PicoPure™ RNA isolation process allows for high-quality RNA. Total cellular RNA prepared from LCM samples remains intact after isolation, increasing confidence in subsequent molecular analysis.

Order Codes

Code Description
KIT0204 Catalog Number: KIT0204
KIT0214 Catalog Number: KIT0214
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