pJTI™ R4 Exp CMV EmGFP pA Vector (Thermo Scientific™)

The pJTI™ R4 Exp CMV EmGFP pA vector is a positive control vector for assessing the success of a retargeting reaction with a Jump-In™ parental cell line. When co-transfected with the integrase vector (pJTI™ R4 Int vector) included in the Jump-In™ parental kits, the EmGFP will be expressed and positive cells will fluoresce green.

Ensure the Success of Your Jump-In™ Retargeting Reactions
Successful retargeting of Jump-In™ parental cell lines like the the Jump-In™ GripTite™ HEK293 kit (A14150) is dependent on a variety of factors such as:

Transfection efficiency

• Cell confluency
• Antibiotic selection conditions
• Quality and concentration of DNA
• Retargeting vector to integrase vector ratio

We strongly recommend including a retargeting reaction with the pJTI™ R4 Exp CMV EmGFP pA vector in your Jump-In™ experiment along with negative controls (no plasmid DNA, no integrase vector) so you can easily visualize the results and optimize the retargeting conditions.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Order Codes

Code Description
A14146 Catalog Number: A14146
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