pPICZ A, B, & C Pichia Vectors (Invitrogen™)

The pPICZ A, B, & C Pichia Vectors are designed for simple cloning and selection, high-level expression, and rapid detection and purification of the recombinant protein. These vectors contain the Zeocin™ resistance gene for direct selection of multi-copy integrant strains. By selecting with increasing amounts of Zeocin™, strains with multiple copies of your gene of interest integrated into the genome are obtained. Increasing the number of copies of the gene of interest in a recombinant Pichia strain can result in higher expression levels. The vectors are included in the EasySelect™ Pichia Expression Kit (Cat. No. K1740-01).

Features of the pPICZ vectors include:

• Inducible AOX1 promoter for high-level expression in Pichia pastoris
myc epitope tag for convenient detection with an Anti-myc Antibody
• C-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with an Anti-His(C-term) Antibody
• Zeocin™ resistance for direct selection of multi-copy integrants

Order Codes

Code Description
V19020 Catalog Number: V19020
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