pTrcHis A, B, & C Bacterial Expression Vectors (Invitrogen™)

Our pTrcHis A, B, & C vectors are designed to offer enhanced translation initiation and high-level expression in E. coli. These vectors feature:

• High-level regulated transcription from the trc promoter
• Enhanced translation efficiency of eukaryotic genes in E. coli
• The lacO operator and lacIq repressor gene for transcriptional regulation in any E. coli strain

This particular vector offers:

• N-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with an anti-HisG antibody
• N-terminal Xpress™ epitope for easy detection with an anti-Xpress™ antibody
• Enterokinase cleavage site for removal of fusion tag

For C-terminal polyhistidine tag and c-myc epitope, please see our pTrcHis2 A, B, & C Vector.

Order Codes

Code Description
V36020 Catalog Number: V36020
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