PureLink™ Fast Low-Endotoxin Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit (Invitrogen™)

The PureLink Fast Low-Endotoxin Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit uses next-generation columns with advanced silica membranes that enable isolation of transfection grade (less than 1 EU/μg) plasmid DNA in about 30 minutes. The simple precipitation-free protocol yields up to 1.5 mg plasmid, suitable for standard transfections and all molecular biology applications such as cloning and sequencing.

NOTE: The use of a vacuum manifold is required to perform this procedure. We recommend our FastVac Vacuum Manifold.

Advantages of the PureLink Fast Low-Endotoxin Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit include:
Ultra-fast protocol—innovative silica-based columns enable purification of transfection grade plasmid DNA in under 30 minutes
Low endotoxin plasmid—the resulting plasmid contains less than 1 EU/μg endotoxins
High yields—isolate up to 1.5 mg of high-quality plasmid DNA
Colored buffers—the kit features colored buffers that permit error-free visualization of complete bacterial cell lysis and subsequent neutralization

Order Codes

Code Description
A36228 Catalog Number: A36228
A35895 Catalog Number: A35895
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