PureLink™ Plant RNA Reagent (Invitrogen™)

Plant RNA Reagent is a single-component solution optimized for the isolation of high yields of high-quality total RNA from a variety of plant tissues, especially those rich in polyphenolics (e.g., conifer needles) or starch (e.g., potato tuber or seeds). Features of the Plant RNA Reagent:

• Isolate high-quality RNA from difficult plant materials
• Use for small-scale and large-scale RNA isolations

Improved quality and purity of plant RNA
Plant RNA Reagent is optimized to have less sample DNA contamination, to be twice as effective as TRIzol™ Reagent, and have a simplified RNA extraction protocol for minimized time and labor. The end result is high-yield, high-purity RNA (determined by A260/A280 and gel analysis) from a variety of plant material sources.

Works for milligram to gram quantities of starting material
Plant RNA Reagent provides greater flexibility for sample size and processing formats, and can be used for both small-scale (up to 0.1 g plant tissue) and large-scale (0.1–5 g plant tissue) total RNA isolation. The amount supplied (100 mL) is sufficient for 200 reactions using 100 mg of tissue, or 4 reactions using 5 g of tissue.

Isolated RNA is ideal for a variety of applications and products:

cDNA library construction kits
Real-Time PCR (qPCR)
Northern blotting kits & reagents
Poly(A) selection kit
RNase control reagents & assays

Order Codes

Code Description
12322012 Catalog Number: 12322012
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