PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit (Invitrogen™)

The PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit allows you to rapidly and efficiently purify DNA fragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels of various percentages. DNA can be extracted and purified from agarose gels with different melting points in ∼30 minutes using PureLink™ silica membrane-based quick gel extraction columns. For your convenience, purification protocols are provided for centrifugation and for vacuum.

Advantages of using PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit:
• Purify DNA fragments from TAE and TBE agarose gels of various percentages and melting points
• Complete the procedure in ∼30 minutes
• Easily purify DNA fragments from 40 bp to 10 kb from gels
• Obtain high recovery of DNA fragments
• Bind and purify up to 15 μg DNA with one column
• Purify DNA fragments that are high quality and show reliable performance in PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, cloning, and labeling

Note: The PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit is not designed to purify supercoiled plasmid DNA or genomic DNA from agarose gels. Only linear DNA fragments may be purified from gels using this kit.

Order Codes

Code Description
K210012 Catalog Number: K210012
K210025 Catalog Number: K210025
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