PureLink™ RNA Micro Scale Kit (Invitrogen™)

The PureLink™ RNA Micro Scale Kit provides rapid purification and concentration of total RNA from a variety of samples (e.g., LCM tissues, fine needle aspirates, and FACS-sorted cells). RNA purification using the PureLink™ RNA Micro Scale Kit is:

Effective—expect excellent RNA recovery (up to 100 μg total RNA) from small samples
Convenient and safe—the extraction procedure uses no phenol/chloroform, CsCl gradients, or precipitation with either LiCl or ethanol
Fast—obtain high-quality total RNA, typically in just 15 minutes
Reliable—obtain ready-to-use RNA suitable for any downstream application

A simple and reliable technology for everyday RNA purification
PureLink™ technology combines guanidine-isothiocyanate lysis with the speed, purity, and ease-of-use of silica-membrane purification. The safe and easy procedure can be completed in typically less than 15 minutes with >85% recovery from the first elution. The kit can be used for clean-up of purified RNA from enzymatic reactions, desalting of RNA samples after phenol extraction or ethanol precipitation, and concentration of RNA. Purify RNA from up to 10 mg of tissue or 105 cells. Clean up and concentrate RNA amounts ranging from pg to 100 μg in volumes as small as 10 μL. Purified RNA is ready for use in downstream applications such as RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, northern blots, cDNA library construction, and nuclease protection assays.

A simple and rapid procedure
Homogenize your sample in lysis buffer, add 70% ethanol, and mix. Deposit the resulting solution into a PureLink™ Micro kit column with collection tube, and centrifuge for one minute. Nucleic acids bind to the PureLink™ silica membrane in the column, and after subsequent washes and on-column digestion with DNase, purified RNA can be eluted with RNase-free water.

Order Codes

Code Description
12183016 Catalog Number: 12183016
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