QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, cultured cells (Invitrogen™)

This QuantiGene Sample Processing Kit for cultured cells contains reagents and instructions for the preparation of cell lysates for use in QuantiGene Singleplex and QuantiGene Plex assays for RNA targets and QuantiGene Plex DNA assays for DNA targets.

• Easy to follow instructions
• Preserves the integrity of the RNA/DNA without degradation
• Choose the method that matches your cultured cell sample

What you get
The QuantiGene Sample Processing Kit for cultured cells contains our proprietary lysis mixture, proteinase K, and detailed instructions for preparing cell lysates from cultured cells.

Success in cell lysis
Key factors that influence the complete lysis of the cells include:
• The lysis mixture
• Proteinase K
• Vortexing or pipetting of the sample
• Storage of the lysates at -80°C
• Incubation at 50°C

The protocols provided with the QuantiGene Sample Processing Kit for cultured cells use a combination of these factors to ensure complete lysis of the samples. In addition, the lysis mixture provides the proper ionic conditions for the overnight hybridization in the QuantiGene assays.

Order Codes

Code Description
QS0102 Catalog Number: QS0102
QS0100 Catalog Number: QS0100
QS0101 Catalog Number: QS0101
QS0103 Catalog Number: QS0103
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