QuantiGene™ Singleplex Assay Kit (Invitrogen™)

QuantiGene Singleplex assays are hybridization-based assays for the direct quantitation of RNA, DNA, or microRNA transcripts directly from cell lysates, tissue homogenates or purified RNA. They utilize branched DNA technology for signal amplification, and signal is detected using a standard luminometer. The QuantiGene Singleplex Assay Kit contains all buffers, plates, and detection reagents necessary to perform the assay in 96-well plates. Sample processing kits and target-specific probe sets are sold separately.

The QuantiGene Singleplex Assay is comprised of three modules:
• QuantiGene Singleplex Assay Kit
• QuantiGene Singleplex target-specific probe sets (sold separately)
• QuantiGene Sample Processing Kit (sold separately) (not required for purified RNA samples)

Features of the QuantiGene Singleplex Assay include:
• Direct from lysate quantitation using signal amplification—no RNA or DNA purification, reverse transcription, or PCR amplification needed
• Precisely quantify subtle differences in gene expression as small as 10%
• Simple workflow features lyse-and-go sample preparation, easily automatable ELISA-like protocol, and readout using any standard luminometer
• Analyze any sample type: cultured cells; whole blood or dried blood spots; fresh, frozen, or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues; plants; bacteria

QuantiGene Singleplex assays bring the power of branched DNA (bDNA) technology to basic and pre-clinical research. The bDNA assay is a sandwich nucleic acid hybridization method that uses bDNA molecules to amplify signal from captured target RNA. bDNA technology forms the basis of the FDA-approved clinical diagnostic VERSANT 3.0 assays for HIV, HCV, and HBV viral load that are offered commercially by Siemens and have been in use for over a decade. Another advantage of bDNA assays is that RNA is measured directly from the sample source, without RNA purification or enzymatic manipulation, thereby avoiding inefficiencies and variability introduced by or errors inherent to these processes.

Each capture plate in this assay kit is packaged individually in a sealed foil pouch.

Order Codes

Code Description
QS0014 Catalog Number: QS0014
QS0012 Catalog Number: QS0012
QS0013 Catalog Number: QS0013
QS0016 Catalog Number: QS0016
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