RNA Quantification Kit for SYBR Green I and ROX™ Passive Reference Dye (Applied Biosystems™)

Accurate quantification from limited RNA concentrations

Target preparation assay kits such as GeneChip™ WT Pico Kit and GeneChip 3' IVT Pico Kit allow expression profiling using as little as 100 pg of total RNA (approximately 10 cells). These low amounts of RNA for such target preparation assays require accurate measurement of the quantity of input sample RNA for optimal performance. However, at these low RNA amounts, it becomes virtually impossible to accurately quantify the RNA with standard UV absorbance or fluorescent dye–based techniques.

The RNA quantification kit uses Power SYBR Green RNA-to-CT 1-Step Kit to measure levels of the consistently expressed 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in human, mouse, and rat samples. The amount of 18S rRNA target in the unknown samples is then scaled against a Control HeLa RNA standard curve for accurate quantification that fails using conventional techniques. In addition to the Power SYBR Green RNA-to-CT 1-Step Kit, the kit also includes Control HeLa Total RNA for standard curve preparation and an 18S rRNA Primer Mix, providing an assay range of 0.01 pg–1 ng total RNA.

*Check real-time PCR instrument for selecting appropriate passive reference dye.

Order Codes

Code Description
902905 Catalog Number: 902905
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