RNAqueous™-Micro Total RNA Isolation Kit (Invitrogen™)

The RNAqueous™-Micro Kit is used for phenol-free total RNA isolation from micro-sized samples (e.g., from less than 500,000 cultured cells, from few as 10 laser capture microdissected cells, or from ≤10 mg of tissue) using a guanidinium-based lysis/denaturant and glass fiber filter separation technology. DNA-free™ DNA removal reagents are included in the kit, making the isolated RNA especially suitable for RT-PCR. This kit provides:

• Highly concentrated RNA—for increased sensitivity in downstream assays
• Isolation of high-quality RNA from micro-scale samples
• Reagents/protocol for RNA recovery from LCM samples

How it works
Samples are solubilized in a powerful chaotropic solution, and RNA is purified on a glass fiber filter cartridge specifically designed for very small samples. A simple modification of the protocol allows recovery of both large and small RNA species including tRNAs, 5S rRNA, and microRNAs. The RNA is eluted in a minimal volume of 20 μL. Residual genomic DNA is efficiently removed using the DNA-free™ system included in the kit. The RNAqueous™-Micro Kit contains enough reagents for 50 RNA isolations of DNA-free RNA.

Order Codes

Code Description
AM1931 Catalog Number: AM1931
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