TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit (Invitrogen™)

The TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit provides a simple and reliable method to improve the isolation of intact total RNA from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The kit utilizes both the Max™ Bacterial Enhancement Reagent and TRIzol™ Reagent to inactivate endogenous RNases and promote protein denaturing, improving RNA quality and integrity. Isolation of RNA takes about an hour.

Key Features of the TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit:
• Formulated for the isolation of RNA from both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
• Uses two technologies for maximum RNA yield and purity
• Minimizes time required for RNA isolation by eliminating enzymatic and mechanical lytic steps

Two Products in One Kit
The TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit combines Max™ Bacterial Enhancement Reagent with TRIzol™ Reagent. A 5-minute pre-treatment of bacteria with Max™ Bacterial Enhancement Reagent, containing chelating agents, detergent and buffer, denatures bacterial proteins and effectively deactivates endogenous RNases. Subsequent bacterial lysis by TRIzol™ Reagent generates a high-quality, minimally degraded RNA product.

Purified RNA is Ideal for Use with a Variety of Applications and Products
Bacterial RNA isolated using the TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit is suitable for downstream applications such as real-time PCR (qPCR), RT-PCR, northern blotting, nuclease protection assays, cDNA synthesis, microarray analysis, and dot blot hybridization.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for animal or human diagnostic or therapeutic use.

Order Codes

Code Description
16096040 Catalog Number: 16096040
16096020 Catalog Number: 16096020
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