Ulysis™ Alexa Fluor™ 546 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit (Invitrogen™)

ULYSIS™ Nucleic Acid Labeling Kits provide a unique method to attach a fluorescent dye to nucleic acids. The labeling reagent in the kit reacts with the N7 of guanine to form a stable coordination complex, and the reaction is simple and fast—just heat denature DNA (5 minutes), add the label (react for 15 minutes), then purify.

ULYSIS™ Nucleic Acid Labeling Specifications:
• Dye (Ex/Em): Alexa Fluor™ 546 (555/570 nm)
• Labeling reaction is complete in as little as 15 minutes
• Available in several Alexa Fluor™ dye colors

The Resulting Labeled Probe is useful for:
• Dot, northern, and Southern blots
• RNA and DNA in situ hybridization
• Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH)
• Comparative genome hybridization (CGH)
• Microarray analysis

Reliable Labeling With the Universal Linkage System
We developed this series of ULYSIS™ kits to enable rapid and simple coupling of our Alexa Fluor™ dyes to purine bases in nucleic acid polymers. The method, the Universal Linkage System (ULS™), is based on the use of a platinum dye complex (owned by KREATECH Diagnostics) that forms a stable adduct with the N7 position of guanine and, to a lesser extent, adenine bases in DNA, RNA, PNA, and oligonucleotides. The result is a reliable nonenzymatic method for nucleic acid labeling.

Labeling is Fast and Easy
The labeling reaction typically takes only 15 minutes, and separation of the labeled nucleic acids from the unreacted ULS™ complex can be accomplished through the use of a simple spin-column procedure. DNA longer than ∼1,000 base pairs requires a 10-minute DNase digestion before labeling, which both optimizes labeling and fragments the probe for efficient hybridization.

More Options for Nucleic Acid Labeling
To review various options for nucleic acid labeling, review Labeling Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids—Section 8.2 in the Molecular Probes™ Handbook or view a list of our kits.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Order Codes

Code Description
U21652 Catalog Number: U21652
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