ViewRNA™ ISH Cell 740 Module (Invitrogen™)

The ViewRNA ISH Cell 740 Module is designed to work in conjunction with both the ViewRNA ISH Cell Assay Kit (Cat. No. QVC0001) and ViewRNA Cell Plus Assay Kit (88-19000-99). It contains the signal amplification and AlexaFluor 750-based detection components for visualization of target mRNA using adherent or suspension cells. AlexaFluor 750 can be visualized with a Cy7 filter set, with excitation/emission maxima of 749/775 nm.

The QuantiGene ViewRNA ISH Cell 740 Module is supplied with enough reagents to process 24 assays when using the 24-well chamber plate assay format and 144 assays when using 96-well optical-bottom plates. The kit is configured for processing a minimum of 6-wells per experiment when using the 24-well plate assay format. If fewer assays are processed per experiment, reagent shortages may occur.

Reported applications:
Immunohistochemical staining

Note: We recommend the use of a strong antifade mountant, such as Prolong Glass Antifade Mountant (Cat. No. P36980), to minimize photobleaching.

Order Codes

Code Description
QVC0200 Catalog Number: QVC0200
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