TET™ Dye Phosphoramidite (Applied Biosystems™)

Contains 100 mg TET™ Dye Phosphoramidite.

TET™ Dye Phosphoramidite is used for the 5’ attachment of TET™ dye during oligonucleotide synthesis.

The label is treated as if it were simply another base: It is inserted at the appropriate place in the sequence and incorporated automatically.

• Specialty phosphoramidites allow online addition of the label during synthesis, saving time in production of labeled probes and primers.
• Designed and optimized for use with ABI synthesizers, guaranteeing reliable nucleic acid synthesis.
• We offer a range of specialty phosphoramites and linkers to give you the flexibility demanded in oligonucleotide synthesis.

On-instrument labeling typically saves hours of post-synthesis manual processing
Fluorescent label TET™ is a single-isomer fluorescein dye designed for detection and analysis of labeled PCR products on ABI PRISM™ genetic analysis systems. TET™ is equally useful in applications historically employing isotopic labels. As such, it eliminates the hazard associated with handling, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials.

Note: See user's manual or package insert for limited label license, and trademark information. For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.

Order Codes

Code Description
403171 Catalog Number: 403171
401533 Catalog Number: 401533
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