AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software, version 2.1.2 (Applied Biosystems™)

AccuSEQ Real-Time PCR Detection Software, version 2.1.2, is part of an integrated workflow for impurity and contaminant testing during biopharmaceutical manufacturing using the SEQ family of real-time PCR assays, including MycoSEQ, resDNASEQ, and ProteinSEQ assays. The software is designed to work with the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Instrument with 0.1-mL, 96-well plates and Windows 10 operating system.

Features of AccuSEQ Real-Time PCR Detection Software include:
• Automated presence/absence calls for Mycoplasma detection
• Accurate quantitation of host cell line residual DNA
• Non-linear curve fitting of ProteinSEQ assay data for Protein A
• Single software platform for all current and future SEQ real-time PCR assays
• Security, audit, and e-signature capabilities to help enable 21 CFR Pt 11 compliance

Mycoplasma detection
For rapid and accurate Mycoplasma detection, AccuSEQ software offers a plug-in analysis module for automated presence/absence calls when using the MycoSEQ Mycoplasma Detection system. Automated analysis tools enable one-click processing of MycoSEQ assay data, helping deliver presence or absence calls within seconds of data collection being completed.

Residual DNA quantitation
For host cell residual DNA quantitation, a custom module with next-generation algorithms can be used with the resDNASEQ CHO Residual DNA Assay for accurate quantitation.

Protein quantitation
AccuSEQ software helps enable rapid and easy analysis of ProteinSEQ protein quantitation system data without the hassle of multiple exporting steps and reliance on third party software.

Order Codes

Code Description
A47130 Catalog Number: A47130
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