AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems™ AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix is a premix, hot start chemistry for end-point PCR analysis. Its optimized chemical design enables to shorten PCR running time from a traditional 2 hours to proximal 40 minutes. It generates high quality PCR products that give high quality sequencing results that customers expect from Applied Biosystems™. Optimized for use in sequencing applications, this kit provides specific, high-yield amplicons that can be easily and robustly sequenced. This premixed master mix works with your existing primers to provide sensitive, specific and reproducible results.

• Fast Results: Speeds the time from sample to results. Amplifies 600bp length gene in approximately 45 minutes

• Better Sequencing quality: Specific, high-yield amplicons suitable for sequencing applications that yield low peak-under-peak, longer continous read-length and higher QV-30 count

• Easy to use: The 2X master mix allows for quick experiment setup

• No primer annealing restrictions

Speed Time to Discovery
AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix, UP brings PCR reaction times down to as little as 45 minutes and delivers robust sequencing data on par with standard PCR reagents such as the classic AmpliTaq Gold™ PCR Master Mix. This new master mix has been designed for use with your existing primers and results in specific, high-yield amplicons for easy, high quality sequencing data. Cycle sequencing can now also be performed in as little as 50 minutes.

Quick Setup, High Sensitivity
This pre-mixed hotstart kit allows you to setup your experiment quickly without sacrificing performance. This kit provides reproducible, sensitive results, allowing you to detect a single copy of a gene in 10 ng of DNA.

Robust Fast Sequencing Results
Get the sequencing results you expect from Applied Biosystems™. The AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix, UP is optimized for your sequencing reactions. This kit yields specific high-yield amplicons that provide you with clean sequencing reads including low peak-under-peak, longer read-lengths and superior Q30.

Note: See user's manual or package insert for limited label license, and trademark information. For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.

Order Codes

Code Description
4390941 Catalog Number: 4390941
4390937 Catalog Number: 4390937
4390939 Catalog Number: 4390939
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