AmpliTaq™ 360 Buffer, 25 mM MgCl2 and 360 GC Enhancer (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems™ AmpliTaq™ 360 Buffer Kit is used in conjection with the AmpliTaq 360 DNA polymerase for those few experiments when the reagents supplied with the enzyme are not sufficient for the researcher's needs. When used together with or without the optional 360 GC Enhancer, amplifies a vast range of DNA sequence contexts. AmpliTaq™ 360 DNA Polymerase delivers 360° coverage for a full range of targets.

* Optimized for the broadest range of targets—from everyday to challenging
* Robust amplification of GC-rich sequences with market-leading 360 GC Enhancer
* Achieves the highest quality sequencing data

Optimized for Easy and Challenging Targets
Challenging targets include AT-rich, GC-rich, primer-dimer forming amplicons, homopolymer repeats, and amplicons that pose sequencing challenges. Amplicons that previously required specialized enzymes and reaction conditions can now be reproducibly amplified with a single reagent under standardized conditions (Figure 1). Competitive benchmarking across more than 40 amplicons distinguishes AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 as the best-performing enzyme, ensuring the highest probability of success for the amplification of both everyday and challenging targets (Table 1).

As shown in Figure 1, GC-rich regions are especially poorly amplified with competitor DNA polymerases and the original AmpliTaq Gold, while AmpliTaq Gold 360 provides successful, robust amplification.

Note: See user's manual or package insert for limited label license, and trademark information. For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.

Order Codes

Code Description
4398848 Catalog Number: 4398848
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