CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

The CLA (Cell Line Authentication) IdentiFiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit simplifies the amplification step during authentication of cell lines. It includes the same primers and allelic ladder as the widely used AmpFLSTR Identifiler Plus kit and harnesses next-generation PCR amplification technology to help provide enhanced sensitivity, a cleaner baseline, improved performance with mixtures, and the ability to overcome high levels of PCR inhibition.

Features of the CLA IdentiFiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit include:
• 5-dye, 16-locus STR kit compatible with all cell line databasing loci standards
• Improved version of legacy AmpFLSTR Identifiler Plus kit
• Compatible with SeqStudio, 3730/xL, and 3500/xL genetic analyzers

Cell line authentication using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis kits can be used both for human sample authentication (HSA) and mixed sample analysis (MSA). In HSA, there is a need to verify the DNA profile of the sample to check for sample cross-contamination or sample mix-up, or to perform a quality check. For MSA there is a need to deconvolute the presence of multiple contributors in a sample (chimerism) through identification of multiple DNA genotypes in the sample.

Order Codes

Code Description
A47624 Catalog Number: A47624
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