DreamTaq™ Green Buffer (10X) (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific™ 10X DreamTaq™ Green Buffer is a proprietary PCR buffer that contains KCl and (NH4)2SO4 at a ratio optimized for robust performance of DreamTaq™ DNA Polymerase and DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase in PCR and includes MgCl2 at a concentration of 20 mM. In addition, the buffer includes a density reagent and two tracking dyes. The density reagent allows direct loading of PCR products on a gel. The blue dye (migrates with 3 to 5 kb DNA fragments in 1% agarose gel) and the yellow dye (migrates faster than 10 bp DNA fragments in 1% agarose gel) are included for monitoring electrophoresis progress.

The dyes have excitation peaks at 424 nm and 615 nm. For applications that require PCR product analysis by absorbance or fluorescence excitation, we recommend using the colorless DreamTaq™ Buffer (10X) or purifying the PCR product using the GeneJET PCR Purification Kit prior to analysis.

Order Codes

Code Description
B71 Catalog Number: B71
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