GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay (Applied Biosystems™)

The GeneChip PrimeView Global Gene Expression Profile Assay enables expression profiling with an emphasis on established, well annotated content. More than 36,000 transcripts and variants are measured per sample. Sequences used in the design of the array were selected from the RefSeq version 36, UniGene database 219, and full-length human mRNAs from GenBank™.

Note: The PluriTest™ Assay now accepts PrimeView array data from the GeneChip Scanner 3000.

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Features include:
• Cost-effective global confirmation of pluripotency marker expression
• Simple-to-use online analysis tool
• Published method with over 15,000 samples analyzed
• For use with GeneChip Scanner 3000

About the PluriTest Assay
The PluriTest Assay is a bioinformatics assay that compares the transcriptional profile of a sample to an extensive reference set of >450 cell/tissue types, including 223 hESC lines, 41 iPSC lines, somatic cells, and tissues. The online analysis tool confirms pluripotency marker expression via two separate scores: Pluripotency and Novelty. The Pluripotency Score informs the user on how strongly a model-based pluripotency signature is expressed in the samples analyzed. The Novelty Score indicates the general model fit for a given sample.

More information on the PluriTest Assay >

Order Codes

Code Description
905400 Catalog Number: 905400
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