Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix with Manual (Applied Biosystems™)

Ambion™ Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix is a convenient enzyme, buffer, and dNTP mix for TaqMan™ probe-based, real-time PCR detection of DNA targets. It is optimized for targets of importance in animal health and to function in the presence of PCR inhibitors. The mix is supplied in one tube suitable for 100 reactions. With the exception of PCR primers and probes for your target, the master mix contains everything you need for real-time PCR, including:
• AmpliTaq Gold™ ultrapure thermostable DNA polymerase designed for automatic hot start, to minimize nonspecific PCR products
• Optimized buffer and dNTP concentration, for reliable PCR
• Passive internal reference, based on proprietary ROX™ dye, for precise data analysis.

Order Codes

Code Description
4388644M Catalog Number: 4388644M
4388643M Catalog Number: 4388643M
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