Phire Hot Start II PCR Master Mix (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Phire Hot Start II PCR Master Mix is convenient 2X mix designed to minimize the number of pipetting steps. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase, nucleotides and optimized reaction buffer including MgCl2. Only template and primers need to be added to PCR reaction.

Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase, inluded in the master mix, is an enhanced PCR enzyme for routine and high throughput PCR applications. It outperforms every Taq-based hot start polymerase on the market. Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is significantly faster, extremely robust, and also capable of amplifying long DNA fragments with high yields. These features are achieved through advanced protein engineering of the polymerase. It incorporates a unique double-stranded DNA binding domain which allows short extension times (10 to 15 s/kb), improves yields, and increases fidelity 2-fold compared to Taq DNA polymerase.


Quick hot start—No reactivation step
Fast enzyme—Amplify four times faster than with hot start Taq
Robust—Minimal reaction optimization due to high inhibitor tolerance
High yields—Abundant products due to high efficiency
Longer PCR products—Amplify significantly longer DNA fragments than with any hot start Taq


• Hot Start PCR
• Routine PCR
• Non-high fidelity PCR
• Fast PCR
• High throughput PCR
• Genotyping

Note:The optimal annealing temperature for Phire DNA Polymerases may differ significantly from that of Taq-based polymerases. For optimal results start by accurately calculating your Tm with our Tm calculator.

Order Codes

Code Description
F125S Catalog Number: F125S
F125L Catalog Number: F125L
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