Primer Express™ Software v3.0.1 License (Applied Biosystems™)

Primer Express Software v3.0.1 allows you to design your own primers and probes using TaqMan and SYBR Green I dye chemistries for gene quantitation and allelic discrimination (SNP) real-time PCR applications. Developed specifically for use with our StepOne, StepOnePlus, 7300, 7500, 7500 Fast, 7900HT, ViiA 7, and QuantStudio real-time PCR systems, Primer Express Software provides customized application-specific documents for absolute⁄relative quantitation and allelic discrimination.

Download Primer Express Software v3.0.1 (license key required) >
View Release Notes detailing enhancements in v3.0.1 >

• Enables individual oligonucleotide design for real-time PCR applications.
• Supports assays based on TaqMan and SYBR Green I dye chemistries.
• Provides design flexibility, ease-of-use, and requires minimal optimization.
• Provides robust assay performance when used in accordance with Assay Development Guidelines.

Easy-to-Learn Software
Primer Express Software v3.0.1 is flexible, easy to learn and to use, and requires minimal optimization. It includes an algorithm optimized specifically for use with TaqMan-based reagents, recommended primer⁄probe concentrations, and default thermal cycling conditions. Primer Express Software also supports assays based on the SYBR Green I dye. This minimizes the need for assay optimization and streamlines the design process.

The software also allows customized designs if the probe and⁄or one or more primers are known. Default and adjustable parameters (Figure 1) provide the flexibility required for all users.

Simple to Use
Simplicity and flexibility are the hallmarks of Primer Express Software v3.0.1, which is fully compatible with all StepOne, StepOnePlus, 7300, 7500, 7500 Fast, 7900HT, ViiA 7, and QuantStudio real-time PCR systems. Whether your research includes gene quantitation or allelic discrimination studies, Primer Express Software belongs in your lab.

Automated and Manual Primer⁄Probe Design
Primer Express Software v3.0.1 will design your primers and probes automatically, or you can design them manually. For automated design, simply choose either TaqMan or TaqMan MGB assays. If you know the sequence, you need only to import (or copy and paste) the sequence and quickly view your results. Alternatively, if you prefer to design the primers and probes manually, the procedure is equally simple and straight-forward as well.

Compatibility with Assay Development Guidelines
Primer Express Software v3.0.1 was designed to be compatible with standard guidelines for use of our real-time PCR instruments and reagents. These guidelines are such that traditional variables, including magnesium chloride concentration and the thermal cycling protocol, should be standardized by using a master mix of reagents (enzyme, salts, buffer) and tailored primer and probe design. This approach substantially reduces assay development time and improves laboratory efficiency by allowing multiple assays per plate to run simultaneously as all require the same conditions.

Order Codes

Code Description
4363991 Catalog Number: 4363991
4363993 Catalog Number: 4363993
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