QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Spares Kit v2 (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Spares Kit v2 contains Chip Lids v2 and Blades used to securely cover and seal QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR Chips v2 after reagent addition. Simply load the reaction mix onto a Chip v2 using a blade, cover the chip with a Chip Lid v2, and seal the chip. The chip is then ready for amplification and analysis.

QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR Spares Kit v2 is designed to deliver accurate, sensitive, and precise digital PCR data on QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR instruments when combined with associated consumables, reagents, and QuantStudio™ 3D Analysis Suite™ software.

Order Codes

Code Description
A29247 Catalog Number: A29247
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