Random Access Storage Option for the Orbitor™ RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio™ Real-time PCR Systems (Thermo Scientific™)

This Random Access Storage Option is designed for use with the Orbitor RS2 Microplate Mover and a QuantStudio real-time PCR system, enabling real-time PCR in automated environments for increased sample throughput.

This storage option holds up to 24 plates/3 hotels (384-well). The hotels enable users to easily add new plates or change the order in which the plates are run. Hotels are ideal when there are multiple users using 384-well plates. This option is not ideal for 96-well plates.

Couple this Random Access Storage Option with the Orbitor RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio Systems to complete your automation bundle.

For integration of two QuantStudio systems with the Orbitor RS2 mover, the Dual QuantStudio System Integration Kit is required in addition to the automation bundle.

Order Codes

Code Description
A43782 Catalog Number: A43782
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