TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix, with excipient (Applied Biosystems™)

Applied Biosystems TaqMan 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-Step qPCR Master Mix with excipient is designed to be incorporated directly into a lyophilization process. No additional excipients are required.

Primers and probes of your choice are added to the master mix and the mixture is then lyophilized. A recommended lyophilization program is provided to help reduce the amount of time needed to optimize the lyophilization process.All lots of master mix are functionally tested to help ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility. This reagent is manufactured in compliance with ISO 13485 requirements.

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Benefits of TaqMan 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix with excipient include:
• Ready for lyophilization; guidelines available
• Optimized for multiplexing—enables up to five-target detection per reaction
• Tolerance of PCR inhibitors that are typically found in biopharmaceutical, molecular diagnostic, and research applications from both purified samples and crude lysates
• Lot-to-lot consistency

Optimized for lyophilization
TaqMan 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix with excipient has been optimized for consistent performance before and after lyophilization (see figure below). Comprehensive lyophilization guidelines are included with the product to help shorten your path from liquid to lyophilized product. The proprietary excipient formulation helps ensure fast re-hydration of the lyophilized product after liquid sample is added.

Optimized for multiplexing
TaqMan 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix with excipient has been validated for multiplexing up to five (5) targets in one reaction, allowing for additional assays and/or controls to be run simultaneously for increased efficiency. The figure below illustrates this multiplexing capability by comparing performance between singleplex and multiplex reactions.

Tolerance of inhibitors
The unique proprietary formulation allows robust performance even in the presence of substances that can inhibit PCR, resulting in effective template detection from both purified RNA and crude lysate (see figures below).

Lot-to-lot consistency
TaqMan 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix with excipient has been optimized for highly reproducible detection from a wide variety of samples (see figure below). Another figure below shows the consistent Cq results obtained from three unique lots across multiple assays, to help maximize confidence in your results and highlight the exceptional lot-to-lot consistency of this master mix.

Order Codes

Code Description
C14031B001 Catalog Number: C14031B001
C14031SMP Catalog Number: C14031SMP
C14031B002 Catalog Number: C14031B002
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