TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Assay (Applied Biosystems™)

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays enable highly sensitive and specific quantification of mature miRNAs using qPCR. Together with the TaqMan Advanced miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit, this solution provides a streamlined upfront workflow that is ideal for analysis of multiple miRNA targets from a single sample or low-level RNA samples such as serum and plasma.

Universal RT—one RT step for all TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
Sensitivity—detect as few as 60 copies input into cDNA synthesis
Specificity—detect only the mature miRNA and distinguish between highly homologous targets
Small sample input—detect and quantify mature miRNA from as little as 1 pg total RNA or 2 μL plasma
Compatibility with biofluids including human serum, plasma, and tissue

Pre-formulated assay
• 2 unlabeled PCR primers (900 nM each final 1X concentration)
• 1 FAM dye-labeled TaqMan MGB probe (250 nM final 1X concentration)

TaqMan miRNA Assay selection guide

TaqMan MicroRNA Assays
Description: TaqMan MicroRNA Assays employ a novel target-specific stem–loop primer during cDNA synthesis to produce a template for real-time PCR
RT chemistry: miRNA-specific RT
Throughput: Best for 1–10 targets
Coverage: 205 species available, coverage for miRBase v.21

TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
Description: TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays employ a universal RT step for a streamlined workflow, and a universal miR-Amp step to enable highly sensitive detection by real-time PCR
RT chemistry: Universal RT
Throughput: Best for > 10 targets
Coverage: All human, mouse, and rat miRNAs; coverage for miRBase v.21

Order Codes

Code Description
A25576 Catalog Number: A25576
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