TaqMan™ Arbovirus Triplex Control Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV) (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems TaqMan Arbovirus Triplex Control Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV) contains human DNA (1X) and pooled complete genome RNA template of the following viruses:

• Zika virus with Asian lineage
• Dengue virus from four serotypes (DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, and DENV4)
• Chikungunya virus
This control kit is used with these detection kits:
• TaqMan Arbovirus Triplex Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV), 0.2 mL (Cat. No. A31746)
• TaqMan Arbovirus Triplex Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV), 0.1 mL (Cat. No. A31747)

Order Codes

Code Description
A40490 Catalog Number: A40490
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