TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Kit (Invitrogen™)

The TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit is a complete cell lysate system designed for rapid gene expression analysis directly from cultured cells without RNA purification. In this kit, the Cells-to-CT workflow has been made even simpler and easier with the inclusion of a cell lysis buffer that does not require inactivation prior to input into RT-qPCR. Just lyse and go. The kit enables two-step RT-qPCR of the highest sensitivity and quickest workflow using just five components: Express Lysis Solution, Express ezDNase, SuperScript IV VILO RT Master Mix, SuperScript IV VILO No RT Control, and our best-in-class TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR. The TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit provides the sensitivity you need in the fastest workflow available: RT-qPCR results for gene expression analysis in approximately 70 minutes.

Features of the TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit include:
Extraordinary ease and speed—samples ready for RT-qPCR in as little as 5 minutes; convenient one-tube RT master mix featuring SuperScript IV VILO for two-step RT-qPCR
No tedious RNA purification—no columns, heating, or centrifugation
Verified workflows—complete set of reagents optimized to work efficiently right out of the box
Environmentally friendly—no hazardous chemicals and fully REACH compliant reagents; fewer components and pipetting steps, reducing plastic cost and waste
Right sized kits for automation—available in 2500 reaction size that includes both lysis and RT-qPCR components

Optimized chemistry with no need for stop solution
Gene expression analysis directly from cell lysates is made simple with the TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit. With only one step for cell lysis and no need to return to the sample to add a Stop Solution, the TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit enables a rapid workflow with sensitive, accurate, and reproducible results. With this kit, 10–100,000 cells are lysed using the Express Lysis Solution. The optional inclusion of Express ezDNase to the Express Lysis Solution enables removal of genomic DNA during cell lysis. Following a 5-minute incubation at room temperature, the lysate is used directly for reverse transcription using SuperScript IV VILO Master Mix. Once the RT reaction is complete, qPCR analysis is carried out using TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix and a TaqMan Gene Expression Assay (sold separately).

Streamlined workflow allowing for rapid, accurate and sensitive results
The TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit substantially expedites RNA preparation and streamlines gene expression analysis. Cell lysates exhibit sensitivity and specificity better than or equivalent to RNA extracted using traditional spin column isolation methods. The lysis procedure simultaneously prepares cell lysates for RT-qPCR and removes genomic DNA in only five minutes. The lysis step is simple to automate with robotic platforms for high-throughput processing of 96- or 384-well plates because it takes place entirely at room temperature. The procedure is also economical as there are only a few pipetting steps and, for cells grown in 96- or 384-well plates, no sample transfers. The high efficiency SuperScript IV VILO RT Master Mix transcribes even the most difficult (degraded and low abundant) RNA while reducing the typical reaction time by 10 minutes. Additionally, the TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit is compatible with over 700,000 TaqMan Gene Expression Assays.

Maximize sensitivity of detection
Unlike some competitor kits that limit the amount of lysate in the RT reaction to 10%, the TaqMan Cells-to-CT Express Kit can accommodate up to 45% of the total RT reaction volume as cell lysate. In addition, cDNA can comprise up to 45% of the real-time PCR reaction volume, further maximizing sensitivity and enabling the detection of small quantities of target, such as transcripts expressed at low levels.

Order Codes

Code Description
A57985 Catalog Number: A57985
A57986 Catalog Number: A57986
A57987 Catalog Number: A57987
A57988 Catalog Number: A57988
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