TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix (Applied Biosystems™)

Get precise and reliable real-time qPCR quantification over nine logs of linear dynamic range with TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix. TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix is an optimized 2X mix that contains all of the components, excluding the template and primers, for sensitive detection down to one copy of target. Extended benchtop stability provides consistent results for automated liquid-handling systems, making it the choice for high-throughput sample processing, overnight or over the weekend. TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix has been validated with TaqMan gene expression assays and Applied Biosystems real-time systems, providing precise quantification for a variety of gene expression–based real-time qPCR applications, including:
• Rare transcript detection
• Gene expression analysis
• Pathogen detection and viral load quantification
• Co-amplification of two targets
• Specific detection of gene family members

TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix contains AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase, UP (Ultra Pure), for hot start activation and improved detection of bacterial targets, a blend of dNTPs with dTTP/dUTP and uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) to minimize carry-over PCR contamination, and a passive internal reference based on proprietary ROX dye for superb precision on Applied Biosystems real-time PCR instruments.

Alternative product: Try TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix, our highest-performance, probe-based master mix. With TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix, we’ve taken the best of TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix and added additional capabilities for your gene expression analysis.

Order Codes

Code Description
4370048 Catalog Number: 4370048
4369542 Catalog Number: 4369542
4369514 Catalog Number: 4369514
4369510 Catalog Number: 4369510
4369016 Catalog Number: 4369016
4370074 Catalog Number: 4370074
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