TaqMan™ STEC O45 & O121 Beads, MLG (Thermo Scientific™)

These TaqMan™ assay beads provide a simple, reliable, and rapid method for detecting the presence of a specific bacterial or viral target. The assay uses PCR to amplify a DNA target unique to the microorganism and TaqMan™ probe to detect and quantify the target, all in an an easy-to-use, lyophilized bead format. TaqMan™ assay beads deliver the fastest RT-PCR run times on the market (<40 minutes in Fast mode). Simply add 30 μL of purified DNA to the beads and run on Fast or standard instrumentation. These TaqMan™ assay beads provide microbial detection capabilities and high-confidence results to help accelerate your food and environmental testing needs. The assay design is based on 'Detection and Isolation of non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) from Meat Products', method #5B.03 from the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Molecular Laboratory Guidebook (MLG).

Features of TaqMan™ assay beads:

• Convenience—simply add your nucleic acid sample to the bead-containing assay tube and run; no pre-mixing or master mix preparation required
• Consistency—fewer operator steps means reduced error and increased reproducibility across time, users, and laboratories
• Improved data accuracy—an internal positive control is included to monitor your PCR
• Fast chemistry—40-min run time with Fast cycling, compatible with standard or Fast modes

TaqMan™ assay beads are suitable for single or multiplex analysis. Because they are run using universal conditions, multiple bead-based assays can be analyzed in the same run. The robust assay design provides highly accurate, reproducible, and reliable results, with the enhanced stability of a lyophilized format. A passive internal reference based on proprietary ROX™ dye is included for precise data analysis.

This product is for environmental testing, quality control/quality assurance testing, food and agricultural testing, and research purposes only.

Order Codes

Code Description
4485065 Catalog Number: 4485065
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