TaqPath™ Menu | GeneProof™ Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

The TaqPath Menu I GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit is used for the qualitative detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex including M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. microti, M. canettii, M. pinnipedii , M. caprae, M. orygis, M. mungi and vaccination strain BCG from clinical specimens through real-time PCR technology. The kit is validated for use with sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) , swab, urine, CSF, plasma, and stool specimens.

Features of the TaqPath Menu I GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit include:
• Compatible with other PCR kits in one workflow
• Easy to use—single master mix tube containing all components required for PCR amplification
• Minimizes contamination—the master mix contains uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) and dUTPs, reducing carryover contamination
• Compatible with a wide range of real-time PCR devices

The kit is approved for use on Applied Biosystems 7300/7500 and QuantStudio 3/5 real-time PCR systems.

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Order Codes

Code Description
A58212 Catalog Number: A58212
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