VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control - VIC™ Assay (Applied Biosystems™)

The VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control (IPC) - VIC™ Assay is a primer-probe mix that detects the Xeno internal positive control. The resultant Xeno data is used to determine the validity of diagnostic test results. The Xeno IPC assay is introduced during the qPCR preparation step and carried through the animal health PCR workflow.

Features of the VetMAX Xeno IPC - VIC Assay include:
• Provides confidence that qPCR test results are accurate and actionable
• Easily integrates into any workflow
• Greatly reduces the likelihood of false negatives

The VetMAX Xeno IPC - VIC Assay comes in a 25X concentration and easily integrates into animal health PCR workflows, regardless of the target assay, master mix, or sample preparation reagents already in place. Coupled with VetMAX™ Xeno Internal Positive Control RNA or VetMAX™ Xeno Internal Positive Control DNA, our proprietary design offers a verification layer to help ensure the qPCR test results are accurate and actionable by greatly reducing the likelihood of false negatives.

Xeno IPC assays are included in most VetMAX kits and have been successfully benchmarked against millions of genomes including those relevant to animal health. A VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control - LIZ™ Assay (Cat. No. A29766) is also available.

Order Codes

Code Description
A29767 Catalog Number: A29767
A29765 Catalog Number: A29765
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