Activated Human Myofibroblastic Hepatic Stellate Cells (MF-HSCs) (Gibco™)

Gibco Activated Human Myofibroblastic Hepatic Stellate Cells (MF-HSCs) are produced from isolated pure quiescent human stellate cells (q- HSCs). The cells are obtained from a single donor and provided in a cryopreserved format identical to single-donor plateable human hepatocytes.

Each vial contains a minimum of one million viable cells at passage 5, sufficient for at least four 96-well plates in 2D culture.

Simplified protocol
Activated MF-HSCs are suitable for building hepatic co-culture with primary hepatocytes to study in vitro disease models such as hepatic fibrosis. Cryopreserved cells can be thawed and plated at your convenience in as little as 30 minutes. Try it on your own, or request a demo with an experienced scientist.

Stringent quality control
Each lot is tested for:
• Viability >75%
• Attachment efficiency
• Proper morphology
• Purity based on α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA)
• Activation in response to Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1)

Order Codes

Code Description
HMFHSC Catalog Number: HMFHSC
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