Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection Kit is a complete kit for the selective enrichment and detection of GTP-bound Rac1 GTPase through specific protein interaction with the Pak1 protein-binding domain.

The Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection Kit includes purified GST-Pak1 protein-binding domain (PBD), glutathione agarose resin, positive and negative controls (GTPγS and GDP, respectively), lysis/binding/wash buffer, anti-Rac1 primary antibody, SDS sample buffer, spin columns and collection tubes. The kit was validated using lysates from NIH3T3 cells, a cell line that is known to have robust Rac1 activity.

Features of the Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection Kit:

Highly sensitive and accurate—optimized reagents, specific anti-Rac1 antibody and Western blot procedure ensure accurate controls and semi-quantitative results
Validated—functionally tested for Rac1 detection to ensure quality and performance
Compatible—effective with a variety of cell types from mouse, rat and human sources

• Follow activation of Rac1 GTPase during cell differentiation, migration, division and cytoskeletal rearrangement
• Study Rac1 dependent lamellipodia formation
• Study the role of active Rac1 in cancer and angiogenesis
• Monitor Rac1 activity after stimulation with growth factors
• Screen small molecule inhibitors for their effect on Rac1 activity

The Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection Kit was validated for function and specificity of the active Rac1 enrichment method using cell lysates treated with GTPγS to activate endogenous Rac1 and compared to lysates treated with GDP to inactivate the small GTPase. GTPγS treatment traps Rac1 in the GTP-bound, active form, resulting in a strong signal when endogenous Rac1 is present. GDP treatment pushes Rac1 into the GDP-bound, inactive state, resulting in minimal or no signal, regardless of Rac1 protein levels. The kit is optimized for Western blot detection with an HRP-conjugated secondary antibody (Goat Anti-mouse IgG, Part No. 31430) and Thermo Scientific SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (Part No. 34080). The kit contains sufficient components for 30 pull-down assays.

Rac1 Background:
Rho family GTPases serve many cellular functions, including cell signaling, transcriptional regulation and organization of the actin cytoskeleton. This family of GTPases comprise Rho (RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC), Rac (Rac1, Rac2, Rac3, and RhoG), Cdc42 (Cdc42 and G25K), Rnd (Rnd1, Rnd2, and RhoE/Rnd3), RhoBTB family and the Miro family. These GTPases enable signal transduction from the plasma membrane to the cytosol through GPCR, tyrosine kinase, cytokine and adhesion receptors. Attachment to the plasma membrane is accomplished through geranylgeranyl lipid modifications at the carboxy-terminus of the protein. Rac1 activation results in actin polymerization and appears as membrane ruffling at the cellular periphery. Rac1 activation also results in lamelipodia formation.

The Rac1 GTPase transduces signals through tyrosine kinases, adhesion molecules or cytokine/chemokine receptors after stimulation with growth factors (EGF, insulin, PDGF, NGF), integrins (fibronectin) or chemoattractants (fMLP). For example, stimulation with EGF results in PI3 kinase activation, resulting in cell growth and reorganization at the cell periphery (membrane ruffling). Alternatively, tyrosine receptor kinase signaling through Rac1 leads to activation of the MAPK stress response pathways SAPK (JNK) and p38. Stimulation of cells with fibronectin results in integrin-mediated cell spreading. Two of the main effector proteins of Rac1 are Pak1 and phosphoinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase. Pak1 (p65 Pak) is a kinase that activates the JNK pathway, while phosphoinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase promotes actin filament assembly. Rac is critical for T-cell development and for promoting differentiating cells. However, the Rho family of GTPases can work agonistically during cell signaling and and antagonistically during differentiation.

More Product Data
Measure activation of small GTPases via their specific downstream effectors
Detection and localization of active GTPases in neuronal cell differentiation

Order Codes

Code Description
16118 Catalog Number: 16118
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