CapSure™ LCM MicroCaps (Applied Biosystems™)

Specially designed for use with the Arcturus™ Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) instruments, CapSure™ Micro LCM Caps enable the precise and rapid extraction of pure populations of cells from heterogeneous sample preparations. CapSure Micro LCM Caps may be used to isolate individual cells or several hundreds of cells on a single cap.

Key product features:
Gentle application—non-damaging microdissection preserves the integrity of the captured material
Versatile extraction—capture both large and small amounts of cells

Supports the integrity of microdissected cells for downstream molecular analysis
All CapSure LCM Caps have a proprietary transfer film bonded to the lower cap surface. When using the Arcturus microdissection systems an infrared laser pulses through the top of the cap during LCM and interacts with the transfer film, which then melts and bonds to the cells or regions of interest. The film absorbs the laser radiation—instead of the tissue or cell sample—creating a gentle, non-damaging microdissection that preserves the integrity of the captured material.

Go straight from capture to downstream analysis
CapSure Micro LCM Caps enable genetic material extraction with as little as 10 μL of lysis buffer. The new and improved design now enables the use of 0.2 mL microcentrifuge tubes. With this unique combination, you can proceed directly from LCM to downstream applications such as qPCR and next-generation sequencing with a single-tube workflow, while preserving precious sample.

Order Codes

Code Description
A30155 Catalog Number: A30155
A30153 Catalog Number: A30153
A30154 Catalog Number: A30154
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