CaptureSelect™ CH1-XL Pre-packed Column (Thermo Scientific™)

CaptureSelect CH1-XL Affinity Matrix is an improved version of CaptureSelect IgG-CH1 Affinity Matrix, featuring a wider elution range (pH 3.0–4.5), increased binding capacity, and improved stability at higher pH, offered here in pre-packed format.

CaptureSelect CH1-XL Affinity Matrix recognizes the CH1 domain of human IgG antibodies, enabling purification of all subclasses (1, 2, 3, and 4) of human IgG and Fab fragments, independent of the light-chain iso-type and independent of the source material. Due to its unique selectivity for the CH1 domain, no co-purification of free light-chain contaminants will occur. Since no cross-binding is observed for bovine IgG, the product can be used for the purification of IgGs and antibody fragments in the presence of fetal calf serum.

The affinity matrix is offered in a pre-packed format and consists of 5 x 1 mL or 1 x 5 mL columns with connectors that are compatible with standard chromatography equipment.

Order Codes

Code Description
494346205 Catalog Number: 494346205
494346201 Catalog Number: 494346201
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