CaptureSelect™ KappaXP Pre-packed Column (Thermo Scientific™)

CaptureSelect KappaXP Affinity Matrix is offered here in a pre-packed format as a set of 5 x 1 mL columns or as a 1x 5 mL column, with connectors that are compatible with standard chromatography equipment.

CaptureSelect KappaXP Affinity Matrix is an improved version of CaptureSelect KappaXL Affinity Matrix, designed for higher binding capacity. The selectivity is the same; the ligand binds the constant domain of the human kappa light chain, but it features an increased binding capacity (up to 45 g IgG/L) and a wider elution range (full elution up to pH 6.0) compared to other affinity resins that bind the kappa light chain.

Features of this affinity matrix include:
• Single-step purification of Ig’s, Fab, and Fab2 fragments directly from complex source materials
• Mild elution for Fab fragments and antibodies
• Human specific, no binding to bovine antibodies
• Excellent scalability
• Non-animal-derived

The high selectivity and yields obtained using CaptureSelect KappaXP Affinity Matrix enable a robust and efficient purification process with excellent purity obtained in one step.

Order Codes

Code Description
494321205 Catalog Number: 494321205
494321201 Catalog Number: 494321201
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