CaptureSelect™ KappaXP RoboColumn (Thermo Scientific™)

CaptureSelect RoboColumns™ are small chromatography columns used for fully automated and parallel chromatographic separations on robotic liquid handling workstations.

CaptureSelect KappaXP matrix recognizes the kappa light-chain of human antibodies, enabling purification of all Kappa containing Ig’s, Fab, and Fab2 fragments directly from complex sources and feed streams.

Features of this affinity matrix include
:• Purification of Kappa monoclonal antibodies, Fab, and Fab2 fragments in a single step with high purity and yield
• Mild elution for Fab fragments and antibodies
• Human-specific, no binding to bovine antibodies
• Excellent scalability
• Excellent pH stability up to 100 mM NaOH (limited exposure)
• Non-animal derived

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Free of animal components
CaptureSelect products contain affinity ligands based on recombinant single-domain antibody fragments (VHH) created by a proprietary technology. The VHH affinity ligand is a 12 to 15 kDa fragment comprising the three complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) that form the antigen-binding domain, efficiently produced in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a production process free of any animal components (Animal Origin-Free).


Column size: 200 μL, 1 strip, 8 columns (8-row)
Column dimension: 5-mm diameter, 10-mm bed height
Matrix: agarose based, epoxide-activated
Average particle size: 65 ± 10 μm
Ligand: CaptureSelect KappaXP affinity ligand
Ligand coupling method: epoxide coupling
Fab binding capacity: 20–30 g IgG Kappa-Fab/liter resin depending on flow rate, column height, and residence time
IgG binding capacity: 35–45 g IgG/liter resin depending on flow rate, column height, and residence time
Elution conditions: 20 mM citric or acetic acid, pH 3–4; 100 mM Tris, 1.5 M MgCl2, pH6
Formulation buffer: 20% (v/v) ethanol
Max operating pressure: 2 bar
Flow rate: 16–150 cm/hr

RoboColumn is a trademark of Repligen.

Order Codes

Code Description
5943212200 Catalog Number: 5943212200
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