DMS (dimethyl suberimidate) (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce DMS is dimethyl suberimidate, a membrane-permeable crosslinker that contains an amine-reactive imidoester group at each end of an 8-atom spacer arm.

Features of dimethyl suberimidate:

Reactive groups: imidoester (both ends)
Reactive towards: amino groups (primary amines)
• Longest of three similar imidoester crosslinkers, which include DMA, DMP and DMS
• Water-soluble
• Imidoesters react with amines at alkaline pH values (pH 8-10) to form amidine bond
• Amidine bond retains net charge character of protein primary amine to which it reacts
• Reversible at high pH values
• Tool for study of quarternary structure of proteins

Product References
Crosslinker Application Guide -- search for recent literature references for this product

Related Products
DMA (dimethyl adipimidate)
DMP (dimethyl pimelimidate)
DTBP (Wang and Richard's Reagent)

Order Codes

Code Description
20700 Catalog Number: 20700
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