DyLight™ 594 NHS Ester (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific DyLight 594 Amine-Reactive Dye is an NHS ester-activated derivative of high-performance DyLight 594 used to fluorescently label antibodies and other proteins that are then used as molecular probes for cellular imaging and other fluorescence detection methods.

DyLight 594 provides vibrant red fluorescence with better performance than Alexa Fluor™ 594 and Texas Red™ dye for fluorescent applications. The high water solubility of DyLight Fluors means that a high dye-to-protein ratio can be attained without causing precipitation of the conjugates. DyLight 594 Amine-Reactive Dye is also available as part of two antibody labeling kit sizes.

Features of DyLight 594 NHS Ester:

High performance—DyLight 594 shows brighter fluorescence than Alexa Fluor 594 and Texas Red
Specific—NHS ester-activated dye labels proteins and other molecules at primary amines (-NH2)
Optimized procedure—following the standard protocol results in antibodies with excellent dye:protein ratios and recovery rates for optimum activity and fluorescence labeling

• Primary antibody labeling for immunofluorescence microscopy, immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blotting or ELISA assay
• Target protein labeling for in vitro and in vivo fluorescent detection strategies

DyLight 594 Amine-Reactive Dye is activated with an N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester moiety to react with exposed N-terminal α-amino groups or the ε-amino groups of lysine residues to form stable amide bonds. Learn more about NHS ester chemistry.

Typical labeling reactions require DyLight 594 Amine-Reactive Dye to first be dissolved in anhydrous dimethyl formamide (DMF) or another suitable organic solvent before adding a specific molar amount of dye to an amine-free buffer containing the protein to be labeled. However, the high solubility of DyLight Fluors permits protein solutions to be added directly to specific amounts of the labeling reagent. This feature allows DyLight 594 Amine-Reactive Dye to be provided in multiple formats with flexible protocols to achieve efficient degrees of labeling.

We also offer Standard and Microscale DyLight 594 Antibody Labeling Kits for fast and efficient fluorescent labeling of antibodies for use in fluorescence methods. The standard size kit contains all necessary components to perform three separate labeling reactions using 1 mg of IgG or similar quantities of other proteins. The microscale kit contains all of the necessary components to perform five separate labeling reactions using 100 μg of IgG. Both kit sizes include the Amine-Reactive DyLight 594 NHS-ester in convenient single-use vials as well as purification resin and spin columns for the preparation of ready-to-use conjugate.

Related Products
DyLight™ 594 Antibody Labeling Kit
DyLight™ 594 Microscale Antibody Labeling Kit

Order Codes

Code Description
46413 Catalog Number: 46413
46412 Catalog Number: 46412
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