Dynabeads™ MyOne™ Streptavidin T1, for OEM and industrial use only (Thermo Scientific™)

Uniform and superparamagnetic Dynabeads™, 1 μm in diameter, with a monolayer of recombinant streptavidin covalently coupled to the surface and further blocked with BSA. The beads allow for efficient capture and downstream handling of your biotinylated ligand or target molecule. The streptavidin monolayer ensures negligible leakage, and the lack of excess adsorbed streptavidin ensures batch consistency and reproducibility of your results.

The 1 μm MyOne™ beads are widely used as a solid phase in automated protocols where high throughput is crucial. The liquid-phase behavior in combination with the superparamagnetic properties of the beads provide rapid reaction kinetics both in the coating process, separation and during washing of the analyte. The beads also feature a large surface area, high capacity, efficient magnetic pull and a slow sedimentation rate during incubation.

The product holds reputable Dynal high standards with respect to reproducibility and automation ability, and drives reliability for your assays.

Benefits and Features:

• Small bead-size, high capacity and improved reaction kinetics compared to the M-280⁄M-270 beads
• Low sedimention rate, yet a high iron content ensuring rapid magnetic separation
• Easy and reproducible handling in manufacturing
• Low charged and neutral beads, optimal for binding of proteins, peptides and antibodies
• Fast and efficient washing procedures
• Reproducible behavior in automation without mixing requirements

Efficient capture of biotinylated molecules. For direct⁄indirect isolation and downstream handling of nucleic acids, proteins⁄peptides and other target molecules. Due to their high surface area per weight, uniformity, excellent batch reproducibility and ease of adaptation to automated processes, Dynabeads have become the solid phase of choice for immunoassay development.

Binding capacity:
The size of the molecule and the biotinylation procedure will affect the binding capacity. The capacity also depends on steric availability and charge interaction between bead and molecule and between molecules. There are two or three biotin binding sites available for each streptavidin molecule on the surface of the bead after immobilization. One mg of Dynabeads™ MyOne™ Streptavidin T1 typically binds > 1,100-1,700 pmoles free biotin, 400 pmol biotinylated peptides, up to 20 μg biotinylated antibody, approx. 20 μg ds-DNA or 400 pmol ss-oligonucleotides.

Additional Info:
This specific product format is for large volume customers, available on an OEM basis. The product is also available in smaller volumes for end-users (Cat. No 656-01, 655-06 and 656-03).

Order Codes

Code Description
35602 Catalog Number: 35602
35601 Catalog Number: 35601
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