DynaGreen™ CaptureSelect™ Anti-IgG-Fc (Multi-Species) Magnetic Beads (Invitrogen™)

DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (Multi-Species) Magnetic Beads enable high-performance direct and indirect immunoprecipitation while also being an environmentally sustainable choice. DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads are microplastic-free submicron magnetic beads. The beads provide reproducible isolation of target proteins in a simple and efficient workflow that can be performed manually or automated on KingFisher instruments.

Features include:
• Generate reproducible high-yield, high-quality immunoprecipitation
• Reduce environmental impact of research
• Enhanced purity and low non-specific binding
• Effortless scale-up and automation
• Non-porous beads for low antibody consumption

Simple, gentle, and efficient manual separation
DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads are microplastic-free superparamagnetic beads with CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc ligand covalently coupled to the surface. The submicron bead size (∼250 nm) provides a low sedimentation rate and large available target capture surface area. This results in efficient, high-yield isolation of target protein by direct or indirect immunoprecipitation in less than 80 minutes in a simple bind-incubate-elute protocol, with no pre-clearing required.

The CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc ligand is recombinant camelid-derived single-domain antibody fragment that specifically binds to the Fc part of IgG from multiple species, and avoids cross-binding to other isotypes, such as IgA and IgM.

The magnetic separation technology used by DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads is also rapid and gentle , thereby causing minimal physical stress to your target proteins. Furthermore, the non-porous nature of the beads means there is low risk of antibodies getting trapped and becoming inaccessible, helping minimize the amount of antibody required to produce accurate and reproducible results.

The yield and purity of the isolated target protein is highly compatible for use in western blot or mass spectrometry.

The product manual below includes a list of required reagents and materials and details of compatible buffer recipes.

Rapid and reproducible automated workflow
As the scale of experiments increases to medium and high throughput, DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads workflows can be seamlessly scaled using the KingFisher automation platforms. The automated protocol can be run in just 40 minutes with up to 96 samples per run, which can help reduce hands-on-time while maintaining the same reproducible high target yield and low non-specific binding vs the manual protocol.

A certified choice for environmentally sustainable research
Microplastic-free DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads were designed for both high performance in immunoprecipitation workflows and with the environment in mind. They have been shown to provide exceptional purity and high yield of target protein compared to other magnetic bead alternatives in both direct and indirect immunoprecipitation workflows. At the same time the product boasts an extensive list of third-party ACT-label-certified sustainable product design elements by incorporating principles of green chemistry and green engineering. Choosing DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (ms) Magnetic Beads can help reduce the environmental impact of research without compromising on results.

Order Codes

Code Description
80107G Catalog Number: 80107G
80108G Catalog Number: 80108G
80109G Catalog Number: 80109G
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