DynaMag™-96 Side Magnet (Invitrogen™)

The DynaMag™-96 Side Magnet is optimized to pull all types of Dynabeads™ (range 1–4.5 μm in diameter) to the sides of PCR tubes or to the sides of wells in 96-well plates. Designed for both automation platforms (e.g., Tecan) and manual workflows, this magnet is not compatible with PCR tubes but is compatible with PCR-strips and 96-well plates (200 μL), non-skirted and half-skirted.

Efficient mixing without sample handling
This magnet has an extra column (13 total). This enables sample mixing simply by shifting the 96-well plate back and forth from the right-most position to the left-most position. This shifting draws the beads back and forth through the sample and allows mixing to be achieved without handling, promoting faster processing and less sample handing-induced variation.

Handling volume
When used in combination with the DynaMag™-96 Bottom magnet on an automation platform, the two magnets allow for significant volume changes through a workflow.
• High wash volumes: DynaMag™-96 Side Magnet
• Low elution volumes: DynaMag™-96 Bottom magnet

Learn more about Dynabeads™ products
• Find Dynabeads™ products for a whole range of applications.
• Find other magnets for Dynabeads™ separations.

Order Codes

Code Description
12331D Catalog Number: 12331D
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