EZ-Link™ Amine-PEG11-Biotin (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific EZ-Link Amine-PEG11-Biotin is a biotinylation reagent containing a long 11-unit polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer arm and a terminal primary amine group for conjugation and protein labeling with EDC or other crosslinkers.

Features of EZ-Link Amine-PEG11-Biotin:

Biotinylation—label molecules and surfaces for assays or affinity purification methods involving avidin or streptavidin probes and resins
Amine-activated—primary amine can be crosslinked to proteins and material surfaces using EDC and other crosslinkers
Pegylated—the 11-unit, polyethylene glycol (PEG) group in spacer arm enhances water solubility of biotinylated molecules
Long reach—total reagent length is more than 50 angstroms, greatly minimizing steric hindrance for the biotin binding-function

Amine-PEG11-Biotin is the longest of three amine-modified biotin compounds that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer arms. The 11-unit PEG segment is hydrophilic and confers greater solubility to labeled proteins compared to reagents having only hydrocarbon spacers. The primary amine of this pegylated biotin reagent can be conjugated to carboxyl groups on carboxy termini, aspartate residues or glutamate residues using EDC (Part No. 22980), a water-soluble carbodiimide crosslinker. EDC activates carboxyl groups to bind to the—NH2 group of the amino-biotin, forming an amide bond.

We manufacture biotin reagents to ensure the highest possible overall product integrity, consistency and performance for the intended research applications.

Amino-biotin compounds can be conjugated to functional groups of proteins and other molecules in a variety of ways. The most common method is to crosslink the terminal primary amine to carboxyl groups using . Carboxyl groups (-COOH) occur in aspartate or glutamate residues and the carboxy-terminus of polypeptides. When activated with EDC (Part No. 22980), carboxylates react with amino (—NH2) groups to form amide bonds. Carboxylate molecules and surface materials can be pre-activated using EDC with Sulfo-NHS (Part No. 24510) for subsequent reaction to primary amines (see NHS-ester Chemistry).

Order Codes

Code Description
26136 Catalog Number: 26136
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