FDAA (Marfey's Reagent) (1-fluoro-2-4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alanine amide) (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Pierce Marfey's Reagent (FDAA) reacts with primary amines to enable the quick and easy separation and quantitation of optical isomers of amino acids by reverse-phase chromatography.

Features of Marfey's Reagent (FDAA):

• For precolumn derivatization of primary amines for detection by UV absorbance (λmax = 340nm)
• Provides nanomole sensitivity in typical HPLC applications with amino acids
• Reaction products enable chiral separation of D- and L-amino acids
• Following reverse-phase HPLC, derivatives have an extinction coefficient of 3 x 10^4M-1 cm-1

FDAA is 1-fluoro-2-4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alanine amide, also called Marfey's reagent. The compound reacts with primary amines and is used as a derivatization reagent for UV detection in liquid chromatography methods. The reagent provides for detection at 340nm with nanomole sensitivity. FDAA derivatives of D-amino acids exhibit strong intramolecular bonding, which reduces their polarity relative to the corresponding L-amino acid derivatives. Consequently, the D-derivatives are selectively retained on reverse phase columns and elute much later than corresponding L-derivatives.

Reagent Properties:
• Alternative names: FDAA, Marfey's Reagent
• Chemical name: 1-fluoro-2-4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alanine amide; N2-(5-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl)-L-alaninamide
• Reactive toward: Primary amines (—NH2)
• Chemical formula: C9H9FN4O5
• CAS number: 95713-52-3
• Molecular weight: 272.19
• Form: Bright yellow or orange crystals or powder, free of particulate matter

FDAA derivatives can be separated with simple linear gradient of triethylamine phosphate/acetonitrile on a Spheri-5 RP-18 HPLC cartridge column. FDAA reduces the need for a chiral column because the D-derivatives are retained on the column, eluting after the L-derivatives. The derivatization is easy to perform and completed in 90 minutes, resulting in derivatives that are stable for at least 48 hours.

Order Codes

Code Description
48895 Catalog Number: 48895
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